By monitoring your brain activity and actively working to change it, you can actually change the way your brain works. Here's how:

How it Works
Discover new ways to calm your mind with guided meditations, breathing exercises and sports psychology content.
As you practice controlling your mindset with calming neurofeedback games, your brain changes the way it responds to stress & anxiety.
Learn to stay calm under pressure with Focus games that target your executive functions like memory, attention, and decision making.

How FocusCalm works

Much like a heart rate monitor reads your pulse, the FocusCalm EEG headband listens for electrical activity in your brain.
When you are focused and calm, your brain has a specific electrical signature that we compare using our AI algorithm. Then, we quantify your FocusCalm Score based on 1250 data points in your brainwave signals.
A low score means your mind looks busy and active. A high score means you are focused and calm. The best score you can get is 100, the lowest is 0…And most of the time, you’ll hover around 50.

Change Your Brain
Train Your Brain for Better Focus and a Calmer Mind
Activities like meditation, neurofeedback and brain games can actually change the way your brain works.
It’s like learning any new skill… The more you practice, the better you get.
With the neurofeedback in FocusCalm, your brain learns
to prefer being relaxed and alert. And because the FocusCalm app tracks your score over time, you can see just how much you’re improving.
Scientific Studies Support FocusCalm's Approach
Neurofeedback Definition
This overview provides a background and definition of Neurofeedback with links.
From Mindfulness to Work Engagement
The Mediating Roles of Work Meaningfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Job Competence.
Neurofeedback for Nurses
Brainwave Self-Regulation during Bispectral Index: Neurofeedback in Trauma Center Nurses and Physicians after Receiving Mindfulness Instructions.
Educators using EEG + VR mindfulness training
Resilience-Building for Mental Health among Early Childhood Educators: A Systematic Review and Pilot-Study towards an EEG-VR Resilience Building Intervention
Effects of breathing practice in adults
The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults
Peer Review Study I - Cognitive Performance
This study shows change in brainwave frequency bands via neurofeedback training was associated with improvement in a mental rotation test.
Peer Review Study II - Well-Being and Mental Health
This study shows the efficacy of mindfulness meditation apps in enhancing users’ well-being and mental health related outcomes:
FocusCalm vs. The Competition
Other consumer EEG products have trouble keeping connection with mobile devices. Consistent connection is one of the reasons FocusCalm is simpler and more reliable than other devices.
Raw Signal
If the raw EEG signal isn’t accurate, the algorithms and training efficacy won’t be accurate. We have 3rd party lab testing showing FocusCalm’s raw EEG signal has a > 95% correlation match with a 16-channel g.tec nautilus with EEG cap.
Your brain's frequency band are useful in some applications. But we achieve far greater accuracy with machine learning. Rather than looking at just a few frequencies, FocusCalm tracks more than 1000 features in the raw signal to quantify cognitive workload.
The most correlated bands to our algorithm are alpha and theta while the algorithm is taking information from the whole signal. Because the sensors are at Fp1, Fp2, and Fpz and we’re training users to enter a state of calm relaxation, existing literature indicates positive correlation.
Peer-reviewed publications from universities are under review and we’ve published whitepapers on studies with adults and students...We're constantly working with our partners on new studies. Additionally, our training content and methods are based on fMRI studies done with F1 drivers, expert meditators, and sports psychologists.
Mental Efficiency
FocusCalm combines guided meditation with neurofeedback games and executive function training. Our method helps users learn how to relax, practice getting into that relaxed state, and challenge users' ability to access that calm state during active tasks.